Monday 6 June 2011

I can move again!

Osteopaths are genius. This one cracked my spine, scared me by nearly breaking my neck, and fixed all the pain and weirdness when I walk.

If I wake up paralysed tomorrow, I reserve the right to take all this back and sue her for everything she's got (which, judging by the price she charged me, will be significant!) - but for this afternoon, it's bliss. My neck turns and everything! And I have no more pins and needles in my arm and hand! Amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear it. Probably results of all the stress you've gone thru with moving, etc.

    Aren't they great? I discovered one recommended by a friend, he relaxed my stressed, stiff-necked hub and made a believer out of him; and my daughter went for a nerve problem in her arm!
    I'm waiting to have a problem so I can go...
