Saturday 18 June 2011

Round up of my week

Because I know you're all just dying to know... (And because I have the memory of a sick goldfish, and if I don't take a note of it, I'll forget.)

It's been a busy week:
  • Monday was a bank holiday, and it seems oh so long ago.
  • Tuesday was making up for Monday having been a day off but otherwise a normal day at work.
  • Wednesday there was a big work event (I still have blisters from having to wear heels and dress up. I need new shoes. And new clothes.)
  • Thursday was manic. I think I was at my desk for a total of about ten minutes. A friend was up from Nice, so we had lunch. (Yes, manic work patterns are tempered by the sanctity of the lunch break in France.)
  • Friday we had leaving drinks for a friend at work, followed by dinner with a variety of artists - mostly from Nottingham. Which was awesome, if a little random.

Now, it's pissing it down - it's been alternating absolutely heaving with rain with periods of bright sunshine and blue skies today. Schizophrenic weather. But I feel all virtuous and grown up and rich, having done my tax return for 2010-11 already. Not only did my teeny jewellery business actually make a teeny profit last year (which has, of course, already been spent - on Eddie Izzard, amongst other things) but the tax people owe me much money. Which means I can have my new laptop earlier than I thought! Success!

Photos of Paris during a sunny phase this afternoon:

Paris architecture

Paris architecture

Paris architecture

Paris architecture

Paris architecture

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