Saturday 25 June 2011

Flying ants

Did I ever tell you guys how much I hate flying ants? Well, I do. A lot. Guess what's everywhere around my house today? Hate them. So. Much.

The rest of the day has been good - I have Done Shopping, and bought dresses and jeans and stuff. I may do More Shopping later this afternoon, depending on whether I can be bothered to leave the house.

I have also seen a friend's new flat (Lovely. So jealous.) and been to a BBQ. I could go to the park this afternoon. I should do laundry and food shopping. I'll let you know which one wins...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sooooo pleased that you're blogging again! It took me a bit to catch up; but today I've read the all! And now, it's time for you to start writing again! (it's been almost a week since your last post.
